Richard Janko (30. maí 1955 í Weston Underwood á Englandi) er bandarískur fornfræðingur og textafræðingur sem fæst einkum við forngrískar bókmenntir. Hann er prófessor í fornfræði við University of Michigan í Ann Arbor.

Menntun og starfsferill


Hann lauk BA-gráðu í fornfræði árið 1976 og hélt þá til Cambridge þar sem hann stundaði framhaldsnám við Trinity College. Hann lauk doktorsgráðu sinni þaðan árið 1980. Doktorsritgerð Jankos hét „Studies in the language of the Homeric Hymns and the dating of early Greek epic poetry“ en leiðbeinandi hans var John Chadwick

Janko kenndi grísku við St Andrews-háskóla á Skotlandi veturinn 1978-1979. Hann varð rannsóknarfélagi á Trinity College í Cambridge 1979-1982 en hélt síðan til Bandaríkjanna þar sem hann tók við lektorsstöðu (e. assistant professor) í fornfræði við Columbia-háskóla í New York. Hann gegndi þeirri stöðu í tvö ár en árið 1987 tók hann við stöðu prófessors í fornfræði við Kaliforníuháskóla í Los Angeles. Hann gegndi þeirri stöðu til ársins 1994. Árið 1995 þáði Janko prófessorsstöðu við Lundúnaháskóla og kenndi þar til ársins 2002. Frá árinu 2003 hefur Janko gegnt stöðu Gerald F. Else Collegiate-prófessors í fornfræði og deildarforseta fornfræðideildar Michigan-háskóla í Ann Arbor.

Árið 2002 hlaut Janko Goodwin-verðlaunin, sem American Philological Association veita fyrir framúrskarandi fræðimennsku í fornfræði.

Helstu ritverk



  • Homer, Hesiod and the Hymns: diachronic development in epic diction (Cambridge University Press, 1982).
  • Aristotle on Comedy: towards a reconstruction of Poetics II (Duckworth, 1984).


  • Philodemus: the Aesthetic Works. Vol. 1 : On Poems Book 1 (Oxford University Press, 2000).
  • Aristotle: Poetics (Hackett, 1987).


  • The Iliad. A Commentary. 4: Books 13-16 (Cambridge University Press, 1992).


  • „God, Science and Socrates“, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 46 (2002-3): 1-18.
  • „The Derveni Papyrus: an Interim Text“, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 141 (2002): 1-62.
  • „The Herculaneum Library: some recent developments“, Estudios Clásicos 44 (2002): 25-41.
  • „Philodème et l'esthétique de la poésie“, hjá D. og C. Auvray-Assayas (ritstj.), Cicéron et Philodème: la polémique en philosophie (2001): 283-96.
  • „The Derveni Papyrus (Diagoras of Melos, Apopyrgizontes Logoi ?): a New Translation“, Classical Philology 94 (2001): 1-32.
  • „Aristotle on comedy, Aristophanes and some new evidence from Herculaneum“, hjá Øivind Andersen og Jon Haarberg (ritstj.), Making Sense of Aristotle: Essays in Poetics (Duckworth, 2001): 51-71.
  • „More of Euripides' Heracles bis in P. Hibeh 179“, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 136 (2001): 1-6.
  • „Oedipus, Pericles and the Plague“, Dionysus 11 (1999): 15-19.
  • „The Homeric poems as oral dictated texts“, Classical Quarterly 48 (1998): 1-13.
  • „Aristotle's aesthetic theory: reception in antiquity“, hjá Michael Kelly (ritstj.), The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics (1998): 104-6.
  • (Ásamt D.L. Blank). „Two New Manuscript Sources for the Texts of the Herculaneum Papyri“, Cronache Ercolanesi 28 (1998): 173-84.
  • „The Physicist as Hierophant: Aristophanes, Socrates and the Authorship of the Derveni Papyrus“, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 118 (1997): 61-94.
  • „Literature, Criticism and Authority: the Experience of Antiquity“, Council of University Classical Departments Bulletin 26 (1997): 3-19 *„Ayios Stephanos: a Bronze Age Village in Laconia“, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 41 (1996): 139.
  • „Euripides and the Trojan Women“, Dionysus 5 (1996): 2-5.
  • „Euripides' Medea and the Manipulation of Sympathy“, Dionysus 6 (1996): 43-8.
  • „L' Iliade fra dettatura e redazione“, Elenchos (1995): 653-71.
  • „Reconstructing Philodemus' On Poems“, hjá Dirk Obbink (ritstj.), Philodemus and Poetry (Oxford, 1995): 69-96.
  • „Crates of Mallos, Dionysius Thrax and the Tradition of Stoic Grammatical Theory“, hjá L. Ayres (ritstj.), The Passionate Intellect: Essays on the Transformation of Classical Traditions Presented to Prof. I.G. Kidd (1995): 213-33.
  • „From catharsis to the Aristotelian mean“, hjá A.O. Rorty (ritstj.), Essays in Aristotle's ‚Poetics‘ (Princeton, 1992): 341-58.
  • „A first join between PHerc. 411 and 1583 (Philodemus, On Music IV)“, Cronache Ercolanesi 22 (1992): 123-9.
  • „Introducing the Philodemus Translation Project: Reconstructing the On Poems“, Proceedings of the XXth International Congress of Papyrology ( Copenhagen, 1992): 367-81.
  • „Another path of song: Pindar, Nemean VII 51“, American Journal of Philology 112 (1991): 301-2.
  • „Philodemus' On Poems and Aristotle's On Poets“, Cronache Ercolanesi 21 (1991): 5-64.
  • „Philodemus resartus: progress in reconstructing the philosophical papyri from Herculaneum“, Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy VII (1991): 271-308.
  • „Dictation and redaction: the Iliad and its editors“, Classical Antiquity 9 (1990): 326-34.
  • „Dissolution and diaspora: Ptolemy Physcon and the future of classical scholarship“, hjá P Culham og L. Edmunds (ritstj.), Classics: a Profession in Crisis? (Washington D.C., 1990): 321-32.
  • „Mimnermus fr. 4 West: a conjecture“, American Journal of Philology 111 (1990): 154-5.
  • „Berlin Magical Papyrus 21243: a conjecture“, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 72 (1988): 293.
  • „Vergil, Aeneid I 607-9 and Midas' epitaph“, Classical Quarterly 38 (1988): 259-60.
  • „Linear A and the direction of the earliest Cypro-Minoan writing“, Studies presented to John Chadwick, Salamanca (1987): 311-18.
  • „Polydeukes and Deukalion“, Glotta 65 (1987): 69-72.
  • „The Shield of Heracles and the legend of Cycnus“, Classical Quarterly 36 (1986): 38-59.
  • „Hesychius theta 216 and Empedocles frag. 21.6“, Classical Philology 81 (1986): 308-9.
  • „P. Oxy. 2509: Hesiod's Catalogue on Actaeon“, Phoenix 39 (1985): 299-307.
  • „An unnoticed MS of Orphic Hymns 76-77“, Classical Quarterly 35 (1985): 518-20.
  • „Autos ekeinos: a neglected idiom“, Classical Quarterly 35 (1985): 20-30.
  • „Forgetfulness in the golden tablets of Memory“, Classical Quarterly 34 (1984): 89-100.
  • „P. Oxy. 2513: hexameters on the sacrifice of Iphigeneia?“, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 49 (1982): 25-9.
  • „French and Frankish coins from Ayios Stephanos, Laconia“, Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens 77 (1982): 187-9.
  • „A fragment of Aristotle's Poetics from Porphyry, concerning synonymy“, Classical Quarterly 32 (1982): 323-6.
  • „A stone object inscribed in Linear A from Ayios Stephanos, Laconia“, Kadmos 21 (1982): 97-100.
  • „Sappho fr. 96,8 L-P: a textual note“, Mnemosyne 35 (1982): 322-4.
  • „Un 1314: herbal remedies at Pylos“, Minos 17 (1981): 30-4.
  • „Equivalent formulae in the Greek epos“, Mnemosyne 34 (1981): 251-64.
  • „ATHANATOS KAI AGEROS : the genealogy of a formula“, Mnemosyne 34 (1981): 382-5.
  • „The structure of the Homeric Hymns: a study in genre“, Hermes 109 (1981): 9-24.
  • „Aeschylus' Oresteia and Archilochus“, Classical Quarterly 30 (1980): 291-3.
  • „Poseidon Hippios in Bacchylides 17“, Classical Quarterly 30 (1980): 257-9.
  • „The use of pros, proti and poti in Homer“ Glotta 57 (1979): 24-9.
  • „The etymology of scheros and epischero: a Homeric misunderstanding“, Glotta 57 (1979): 20-3.
  • „Bosesthe revisited“, Classical Quarterly 29 (1979): 215-16.
  • „A note on the etymologies of diaktoros and chrysaoros“, Glotta 56 (1978): 192-5.
  • „A note on the date of Grassmann's Law in Greek“, Glotta 55 (1977): l-2.


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